All of our packaging has recycling symbols that explain what material it is made of.
Plastic waste, like all used plastic packaging, including black packaging can be recycled. PVC-plastic and packaging that contains hazardous residues do not belong to plastic waste. Empty bottles need to be clean.
- To ease further handling, take off the caps and closures, they can contain different materials
- Don’t put plastic packaging tightly within each other unless you are totally sure they are the same plastic material
- Wipe caps and rinse bottles, recyclable packaging needs to be clean. > Clean to the point it doesn’t have odour.
- Pay attention to the pumps as usually have a metallic spring, that you need to remove and sort with metal waste.

Metal waste includes color tubes that need to be fully emptied with the help of tube squeezer prior to putting it to recycling. Also aerosol bottles, like hairspray and dry shampoo bottles can be recycled, but only if they are completely empty. The bottle is empty when it doesn’t spray any more, or you cannot feel any residue when shaking the can. If the bottle still has product or pressure - it needs to be taken to dangerous goods waste. Remember to remove caps and sprayers that are plastic.
Paper waste includes order forms, magazines, advertisement leaflets and other paper products. Remember that brown paper belongs with carton waste.
Carton waste is for carton packaging, product boxes and brown paper. Always remember to flatten the packaging before putting it to recycling bin.
Mixed waste includes all old products that are not dangerous, as well as rubber gloves.
Dangerous or problematic waste are colours and perming lotions, as well as aerosol bottles. Liquid color is dangerous waste and dried up color is mixed waste. If packaging is not completely empty is belongs to mixed waste or dangerous waste depending on product type. Take dangerous waste to their specific waste facility.